User Documentation Reports

Case Study: Healthcare I.T. at the Point of Care
sponsored by CDW Healthcare
CASE STUDY: After investing close to two years developing nursing documentation software, The Nebraska Medical Center stood poised to begin implementing this lynchpin of its patient safety focus. But first, it had to identify the right hardware solutions for its requirements. Read this white paper to learn more.
Posted: 28 Jul 2010 | Published: 28 Jul 2010

CDW Healthcare

Commerzbank: Managing Credit Risk and Increasing Operational Efficiency
sponsored by EMC Corporation
CASE STUDY: For Commerzbank streamlining the corporate credit lines to corporations and institutions, streamlining the corporate credit lending process to reduce paper and drive down costs had become a top priority.
Posted: 16 Jun 2008 | Published: 01 Jul 2005

EMC Corporation

Assuring Asset Documentation Integrity
sponsored by McLaren Software
WHITE PAPER: In this whitepaper, we will discuss best practices for assuring the integrity of your asset documentation.
Posted: 01 Feb 2008 | Published: 01 Jul 2007

McLaren Software

VMware: "The top ten most forgotten things when building a disaster recovery plan"
sponsored by VMware, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Every IT manager knows the importance of having an effective and fast disaster recovery (DR) plan. Organizations without an adequate plan may find themselves out of business quickly after experiencing a major disaster. Organizations that ensure survival..
Posted: 20 Nov 2008 | Published: 20 Nov 2008

VMware, Inc.

SAP Travel Management at T-Com, eLearning for 140,000 Employees with datango
sponsored by datango AG
CASE STUDY: The IT department of T-Com Human Resources was faced with the challenge of training 140,000 employees to perform reporting processes for their own business travel as quickly as possible. Read this case study to find out how T-Com found their way to datango in their search for a customizable context sensitive online help system.
Posted: 04 Oct 2010 | Published: 04 Oct 2010

datango AG

Invoice Automation and Document Management Tips
sponsored by Esker Inc.
WHITE PAPER: In this E-Guide, discover how asking three simple questions about organizational needs can help businesses map out an effective document management and imaging process. In addition, find out how Oracle and SAP procurement shops can improve their accounts payable functionality through invoice automation.
Posted: 23 Jan 2015 | Published: 23 Jan 2015

Esker Inc.

15 Minute Guide To Case Management
sponsored by EMC Corporation
WHITE PAPER: In 15 minutes we'll discuss case management, explain why it's important, suggest how it enables connected government, touch on how it can be applied across a variety of case types, discuss the components of a case management solution, and offer deployment guides and suggestions.
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 | Published: 23 Nov 2009

EMC Corporation

A true story about using XML forms and DB2 to process millions of tax returns
sponsored by IBM
INFORMATION CENTER: This blog post discusses the toll that managing high volumes of paper documents can take on business budgets and efficiency. Learn about an electronic approach that one company implemented and the savings they achieved.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 | Published: 07 Jun 2011


Intelligence at the Physical Layer: Smart Cabling - Better Security
sponsored by Siemon Company
WHITE PAPER: This white paper details new intelligent infrastructure management system choices for secure data centers and network infrastructures.
Posted: 20 Sep 2007 | Published: 01 Sep 2007

Siemon Company

MSP Documentation: Why it's Essential to Scaling Your Business
sponsored by SolarWinds, Inc.
EGUIDE: One of the most important moves an MSP can make as they grow is to document what they've changed. Use this expert guide to help understand how you should start, what information to keep, and which tools can help execute this documentation.
Posted: 26 Jul 2017 | Published: 20 Jul 2017

TOPICS:  Documentation
SolarWinds, Inc.